Author Archive

Summer Muffin Lovin’

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

Summertastic! I’ve been enjoying trying all the different kinds of granola at the food co-op but today I wanted muffins!  Based on my tiny pantry selection I had the right ingredients to make VWAV’s corn blueberry muffins but I altered the recipe.  Instead of using soy yogurt I substituted about 1/2 of a banana (mashed) […]

Scratch Nacho Night

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

I first discovered the beauty and simplicity of making nachos in college.  A friend bought corn tortillas to make burritos but he wanted flour tortillas and was very disappointed.  Instead of throwing out the tortillas, I played around and cut them up and baked them in the oven with oil and salt and I had […]

Teese me, go ahead and please me

Monday, June 30th, 2008

While I was in Peru, all I read about on people’s food blogs was the magical teese.  And what a tease it was, because there is very little access to vegan cheese outside of Lima.  Luckily, the local dairy cheese was NOT to our liking (unsalted chewy curds), so I was able to banish my […]

Laughing Dog Brewery: Seriously Good

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

Dog Bowl of Treats with Taster Tray I had the opportunity to drink some great beer while visiting the small craft brewery, Laughing Dog, in Sandpoint, Idaho. Sandpoint is a fun town and is close to Schweitzer Mountain (great snow sports) and it’s on Lake Pend Oreille. Proximity to fresh water and mountains is my […]

More VWAV Meals

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

The only book I carried with me while traveling was Vegan with a Vengeance. I love this cookbook so much. I cooked a few recipes while visiting parents and they were relatively quick and easy to make and full of flavor. I tried the Banana Pudding Brownies again. They flopped in Peru but there were […]

My Fasting Report & Coconut Pancakes

Friday, May 30th, 2008

Here’s a brief rundown on the fast I just did, because it differed than my other fasts in a few specific ways. This time, we preceded the fast with 5 days of raw food, which has been talked about before. I think eating raw detoxed us significantly because we didn’t lose that much weight during […]

My Typical Liquid Fast

Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

I will try to run down as briefly as I can how I’ve done my fasts in the past. Feel free to modify it and make it your own. Before fasting I try to do at least one day raw before the fast to prepare my body for the change. Some people do much longer. […]

Fasting for Longevity, Health and Self-Improvement

Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

Fasting is a challenge that’s fun and rewarding. I always feel lighter, more energetic and cleaner after a fast. I am more in tune with myself and can identify my psychological addiction to certain foods. I can tell when I need to eat versus wanting to eat. Before I did my first fast, I read […]

Raw Food Detox proves challenging in FL

Monday, May 26th, 2008

After fighting multiple colds since returning from South America, my husband and I have decided to add a few days of eating raw before we continue with a liquids fast. I don’t understand if we have a build-up of toxins from the produce in South America or if we are adjusting to new germs in […]

Trying Tuna – Not what you think!

Saturday, May 24th, 2008

Cactus garden While in Peru, we saw a lot of vendors selling tuna, which in English is the fruit of the prickly pear cactus (or nopal, cactus fig or Indian fig). We never bought it or tried it until we were backpacking for 3 days in the 2nd deepest canyon of the world. There were […]