Author Archive

Happy Thanksgiving! What did I serve?

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

Let’s eat! This year for Thanksgiving I became an adult, well, in a way. After a lifetime of attending holidays, sitting at the kiddie table and being the girlfriend/daughter/wife who brought her own main entree because turkeys as food are not in my vocabulary, I hosted a holiday this year. Not just any holiday, the […]

Wild Foods: Cattails

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

Cattail rhizome and shoot Cattail Flower I have joined John for another adventure, one I was a little apprehensive about doing but excited nonetheless. This class was all about learning to extract one part of the well-known cattail for edible purposes. We focused on the rhizomes, apparently there are many parts of the cattail that […]

Wild Foods: Acorns

Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

The elusive acorn A few months ago I had first heard about John Kallas and I went to his website and realized he has all the knowledge that I want to have. I must meet and learn from this man. Finally the stars aligned (and work schedules) and I attended his acorn extraction class. Now […]

I love foraging

Saturday, October 10th, 2009

This is what 6# looks like with bad lighting I can’t hide my feelings of excitement towards foraging. I’m not afraid of what others think because honestly, I wish we all could have these skills. We once used to, you know. I wish we could all band together and share knowledge and time and excitement […]

Chanterelle Season has begun!

Friday, October 9th, 2009

Snack time It’s that time of year everyone. Last year most of my MoFo posts were about mushrooms because I was finally confident enough to start picking a few types on my own. On a recent hike with a friend, I came across these lovelies which signals to me that it is time! I only […]

More childhood flavors: Philly “Cheese Steak”

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

D.C. Veg Food Cart It’s very exciting and overwhelming living in a city where there are so many new food ventures starting up weekly. It feels like every day I’m hearing about a new restaurant or food cart and when you don’t eat out a lot (I really enjoy cooking…and having dinner at home) you […]

Childhood Food Favorites-improved!

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Broccoli Casserole I’m sure it’s noticeable that I am blogging with more frequency lately. I have more time recently to dedicate to my blog, which kept slipping to the bottom of my list of things to do. Now the blog is back near the top of the list, especially since it is October and I […]

More pickles: Lotus Root

Saturday, October 3rd, 2009

Raw, sliced lotus Since I have been on a pickle kick I must share these lotus root pickles. The recipe is from The Artful Vegan, a beautiful cookbook with amazing recipes. Unfortunately, most recipes take about 4 hours to prepare which I am not willing to put into dinner lately. The few things I have […]

Pickles: Sour dills!

Friday, October 2nd, 2009

In the crock pre-ferment You would think with my Polish heritage I would have secret family recipes but I don’t. So I turn to good ole’ Sandor and his amazing fermentation bible for advice and encouragement which never fails. I made his sour dill recipe with a bunch of cucumbers I bought at a farm […]

End of Berry Season Hoopla: Blueberry Madness

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

Before This summer has been a busy one and my garden has not had the care it deserves. Luckily, my new little blueberry bush provided about a cereal’s topping worth of berries. It’s still better than my blueberry bushes I had in Seattle, which never produced anything except leaves, and those were sad to behold. […]