Author Archive

Homemade Goldfish Crackers

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

From Kimmykokonut Blog Pictures     Long before Geneveve was born, I followed this blog and marvelled at this woman’s recipes, attention to detail in her son’s lunches, and hoped that I could be as put together and passionate in the kitchen when I had kids.  Maybe the fact that her kid is NOT a […]

Homemade Deodorant from the pantry

Sunday, September 11th, 2011

From Kimmykokonut Blog Pictures I know this isn’t actually “food” but it seems to belong more on the food blog here than the life with baby blog.  The ingredients are edible and from my kitchen at least.  And there’s a recipe involved.  And I thought you’d enjoy this info more than grandma who just wants […]

Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp, a recipe to double

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

From Kimmykokonut Blog Pictures Oh, rhubarb.  The first fruit of spring.  The leaves and roots are toxic but the stems cook down to such a delicious tart treat.  My parents had a large patch of it so I was shocked to see how expensive it is in the store.  I planted a small crown a […]

Granola to end them all

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

Please excuse the lapse in blogging, I’ve been busy with a new baby which equates to much less time and creativity in the kitchen.  Plus typing with one hand for 5 minute stretches is a challenge.  But I’ve decided it’s time to share my top secret granola recipe.  This granola is a variation on a […]

Last Cooking Class of the Summer: How to make tempeh & tofu

Thursday, July 1st, 2010

Just a quick reminder that my last scheduled class for the summer is coming up. Homemade tempeh Here’s the blurb: Thursday, July 15, 6:30-8:30pm MAKE YOUR OWN TEMPEH AND TOFU Do you enjoy eating plant-based foods and incorporating tempeh and tofu into your healthy eating plan? Learn to make these healthful foods at home—it’s affordable […]

Get my blog entries in your inbox!

Wednesday, June 16th, 2010

Once upon a time I loved the RSS feed. Then most of the blogs I read stopped updated and I lost interest in going to my Google Reader to find out there was no new news. But I will always check my email and have found that some people only have time to check their […]

A Grape Juice Recipe to end them all

Monday, June 7th, 2010

Canned and melding During our joys of jellymaking last fall, I found a really interesting recipe in the tips section of Mother Earth News Magazine (August 2009) where a reader submitted a recipe to make grape juice. Obviously it sparked my attention because I was planning a serious processing party for my grape vine. It […]

Last Fall’s Grape Harvest Results

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

On the vine One thing I have missed from our house in Seattle was our mini-orchard. We had so many fruit trees (plums, apples, pears) that came with the house and produced abundantly. I love being able to walk barefoot in the yard and pick some fruit to eat. Our current house has a much […]

Horchata in a Hurry

Friday, May 28th, 2010

Almond Horchata I know there has been a lapse on my part in blogging. I have been blogging in my head but not online because my time in the kitchen has slowed. I had a few epic projects this winter that I will share with you but this spring has consisted of simple meals and […]

Portland Area Cooking Classes

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Just a heads-up, I’m scheduled to teach a few cooking classes at New Seasons this winter. Come join in the fun! You can register by phone or in person at the Happy Valley Store. Me in action The line up is: Wednesday, January 20, 6:30-8pm SPROUTING AND GREEN SMOOTHIES With the New Year come new […]