Homemade Goldfish Crackers

From Kimmykokonut Blog Pictures



Long before Geneveve was born, I followed this blog and marvelled at this woman’s recipes, attention to detail in her son’s lunches, and hoped that I could be as put together and passionate in the kitchen when I had kids.  Maybe the fact that her kid is NOT a toddler is the reason she is rested enough to have the energy and drive to be fun in the kitchen again. I hope it’s not just me!

But I did have a moment of clarity and inspiration in the kitchen and whipped up these vegan goldfish crackers.  It was quick, easy and they are tasty.  But Eve doesn’t care about them (for now).  I got a little duck cookie cutter (couldn’t find a fish one locally) and I will make them again but for now Eve loves her Barbara’s O’s above all else.

My only changes were to use white whole wheat flour and 1 tsp annatto seed, ground in the coffee grinder for color.  They didn’t puff up like goldfish should, maybe I should have rolled them thinner or baked them sooner or overmixed the dough?

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